Schedule appointments online by filling out the request form below to have your car serviced at your local Boubin Tire & Automotive service shop. Service Location*Cedar RapidsIndependenceManchesterWaterlooName* First Last Email Phone*MakeModelYearService Category* Tires Brakes Mufflers Oil change Hitches Repair / Recall Other Routine Maintenance Not Sure Please check all that apply.Tire Service Needed*Brake Service Needed*Muffler Service Needed*Oil Change Service Needed*Hitch Service Needed*Repair/Recall Service Needed*Other Routine Maintenance Service Needed*Not Sure what Service Needed*Requested Service Date**If you are requesting service today or tomorrow and do not hear from Boubin via email, please call your location to verify appointment availability. MM slash DD slash YYYY Requested Dropoff Time*8 - 9 AM9 - 10 AM10 - 11 AM11AM - 12 PM12 - 1 PM1 - 2 PM2 - 3 PM3 - 4 PM4 - 5 PMI will need a courtesy shuttle* Yes No CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.